19 research outputs found

    Media, Expression of the Phenomenon

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    DergiPark: 326309trakyasobedCommunication also has the function of orientation, not only information. It brainwashes, convinces, appeals senses; shaping the individual at first, and in connection with the individuals, it shapes the society again. These features of the communication are used by political actors for reaching the certain political ideologies. Many elements of propaganda from mobilizing and orienting crowd of people, making them believe the message given and loading the brains dominated with the knowledge wanted are ensured by communication channels. In this point, the bridge ensuring the relationship between public opinion and ideology which seems like the concepts standing on two sides of the cliff is media. Obliged to have the skeptical and critical feature, the media should be supposed to enlighten the subject treated with all its aspects of and avoid recognizing every form of human crimes and violence notably terror-war. The other fact which should be known is that the liberal media is not a web of lies in which the distorted reality are represented on the platform of the irrational fictionality. Finally, the important point is the fact that everything, suffering loss in value by the caustic and devastating effect of modernism, should return to self againİletişim salt bilgilendirme değil ayrıca yönlendirme işlevine de sahiptir. Beyin yıkar, ikna eder, duygulara seslenir önce bireyi, bireyler dolayımıyla da toplumu yeniden biçimlendirir. İletişimin bu nitelikleri, siyasal aktörler tarafından belirli siyasal ideolojilerin ereklerine ulaşmaları yolunda kullanılmaktadır. Kitleleri seferber edip yönlendirmek, verilen iletiye inandırmak ve etki altına alınmış beyinlerin istenen bilgiler ile doldurulmasına kadar propagandanın pek çok unsuru iletişim kanalları vasıtasıyla sağlanmaktadır. İdeoloji siyasal sistemlerin başlangıç noktasıdır. Tüm siyasal savaşımlar belli bir ideolojinin hâkim olması amacı ile doğrudan ya da dolaylı yollardan ideolojik araçlar ile yapılmaktadır. Bu noktada uçurumun iki tarafında duran kavramlar gibi görünen kamuoyu ile ideolojinin arasındaki ilişkiyi sağlayan köprü ise medya olmaktadır. Kuşkucu ve eleştirel niteliğe sahip olması gereken medyanın, işlediği konuyu tüm yönleri ile aydınlatıp terör- savaş başta olmak üzere insanlık suçlarının ve şiddetin her biçimini haklı görmekten kaçınması beklenmelidir. Örgütsel, otoriter ya da kurumsal yapıya bağlanmış medyanın, bu en temel ilkeleri bile gerçekleştirmesi güçtür. Bilinmesi gereken bir diğer gerçek de, özgür medyadan kastın, saptırılmış gerçekliğin, irrasyonel kurgusallık düzleminde sunulduğu bir “yalan dolabı” olmadığıdır. Son aşamada önemli olan, “modernizmin yakıcı- yıkıcı etkisiyle” değer-bozumunu uğrayan her şeyin tekrar özüne dönmesidir. Aksi takdirde “insanlığın kuramsal çerçevesi” öyle bir ışık alacak ki, ortada izlenebilecek ne tam ne de sıkıştırılmış ekran bir film kalacak

    An integrated assessment of water quality in an arsenic containing aquifer: Milestones from hydrogeology to public health

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    5th International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment Conference (IPWE 2012), MoroccoA multi-disciplinary research is being conducted in Simav Plain, Turkey where an arsenic containing aquifer is at the center of attention. The study is not only aimed to understand the sources and mechanisms of the presence of high arsenic levels in groundwater but also to determine the associated consequences with regards to human health. The high arsenic levels in most groundwater (N=33, avg. 162 ppb), surface water (N=9, avg. 76.6 ppb) and geothermal water (N=3, avg. 406 ppb) samples are strongly related to high occurrences of arsenic in rocks and soils of the plain, which range between 7.1 and 833.9 ppm with an average of 49 ppm. These values correspond to several orders of magnitude higher than international standards and world averages in water and soil, respectively. With this motivation, this research also focuses on human health in the study area associated with exposure to these high arsenic levels via numerous pathways. Consequently, more than 1000 individuals were personally surveyed by public health specialists to determine an inventory of diseases in the area. Furthermore, a verbal autopsy study was also conducted with relatives of the deceased, which were further verified with hospital records, to understand the underlying death cause. As a result, certain cancer rates were found to exceed national averages and the results statistically demonstrated a potential link with high arsenic levels mainly through oral exposure

    Kinect based Intelligent Wheelchair navigation with potential fields

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    Increasing elderly people population and people with disabilities constitute a huge demand for wheelchairs. Wheelchairs have an important role on improving the lives and mobilization of people with disabilities. Moreover, autonomous wheelchairs constitute a suitable research platform for academic and industrial researchers. In this study, Finite state machine (FSM) based high-level controller and Kinect based navigation algorithm have been developed for ATEKS (Intelligent Wheelchair) which has high-tech control mechanisms, low-cost sensors and open source software (ROS, GAZEBO, ANDROID). © 2014 IEEE

    Classification of parameters affecting slip safety of limestones

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    This study determines the appropriate surface processing techniques for limestone plates. slip resistance, which is required for the slip safety of pedestrians wearing shoes, is one of the most important parameters for the surface processing of limestone plates used as floor covering. The slip resistances of five different limestone plates, each of which have undergone four different surface processes, were determined according to the TS EN 14231 Standard. To define the factors affecting slip resistance, the mineralogical and petrographic characteristics, chemical properties, physico-mechanical properties of five different types of limestone were identified. Statistical analyses were performed to define the relations among these parameters. Slip resistance values on limestone sample plates were found to change considerably depending on both the surface processing techniques applied and the dryness or wetness of the surface along with its physico-mechanical characteristics. Finally, the limestones used in this research were classified according to safety applications with consideration of their slip resistance values

    Chest radiography and thoracic computed tomography findings in children who have family members with active pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Objective: The chest radiography and TCT findings in children who had contacted with adult family members with active pulmonary tuberculosis were compared. The contributions of thoracic computed tomography to the diagnosis of tuberculosis were investigated. Methods and material: The children who were 0-16 years old (n = 173) and children of families with an adult member which was diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis were evaluated. The children were considered in two groups based on the absence (n = 125) or presence (n = 48) of complaints and/or ambiguous symptoms such as lack of appetite, mild cough, sweating, history of lung infection, low body weight and those with suspicious chest radiography findings (12 cases) were included in this study. Asymptomatic patients (n = 125) did not undergo TCT. Patients who had positive PPD skin tests only received isoniazid. If the TCT demonstrated enlarged lymph nodes or parenchymal lesions, minimally active pulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed and antituberculous treatment was given. Results and discussions: TCT revealed lymph node enlargement or parenchymal lesions in 39 children (81.2%). Of the 12 children whose CXRs revealed suspicious lymph node enlargement and/or infiltration, five had normal findings in TCT whereas the initial findings were confirmed in the remaining seven. These data suggest that there is a correlation between the presence of ambiguous symptoms in exposed children and TCT findings; chest radiography and TCT findings do not yield parallel findings. All the patients who received anti-TB treatment were resolved in the control examinations. Conclusion: In this study there is a correlation between presence of ambiguous symptoms and TCT findings, but the chest radiography and TCT findings do not yield harmony in exposed children with ambiguous symptoms (suspicious tuberculosis cases). These observations should be considered in children with symptoms similar to those of exposed children, but with no definite history of exposure. If similar TCT findings observed in such patients, treatment for tuberculosis should be considered. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy in the skull: a case report.

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    Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy (MNTI) is a rarely occurring neoplasm of neural crest origin, appearing in children during the first year of life. MNTI is a benign tumor but is nonetheless locally aggressive; it usually originates from the maxilla and the mandible. Recognition of the diagnostic features of MNTI is important, so that it may be differentiated from benign lesions (dermoid or epidermoid cysts, vascular lesions) as well as from malignant lesions such as small round cell tumors. We present a case of a 2-month-old infant who developed right retroauricular swelling with extension through the calvarium and into the central nervous system. The tumor was totally resected. Aggressive benign or malignant lesions of the calvarium may entail dural infiltration and brain involvement, as in our case. Early diagnosis and surgery are thus mandatory for benign or malignant tumors of the calvarium

    Preliminary Characterization of Phenolic Acid Composition and Hepatoprotective Effect of Stachys pumila

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    The present study aimed to investigate phenolic acid composition, antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective potential of Stachys pumila extract (SPE) against CCl4-induced acute hepatotoxicity. Pretreatment of rats with SPE significantly (P < 0.01) ameliorated both the increased levels of ALT, AST, OSI, MDA and the decreased activities of SOD and CAT, as compared to CCl4-control group. Histological and biochemical examinations revealed that SPE was more potent than reference drug silymarin in protecting the liver from toxic injury of CCl4 and preserving the hepatocyte ultrastructure. The phenolic acid profile of the methanol extract was determined quantitatively by HPLC/DAD. Ferulic acid was found as the predominant phenolic acid among the analyzed phenolic acids. SPE exerted high antioxidant effect according to in vitro antioxidant activity tests. Taken together, these results suggest that SPE could be a candidate as promising therapeutic agent for treating oxidative stress-related hepatic injury and other diseases. Practical Applications: Recently, there has been a tremendous surge of interest in medicinal plants because of their high efficacy, safety and cost effectiveness. Among the identified medicinal plants, only a small percentage has been phytochemically investigated and submitted to pharmacological screening. Thus, more research is needed to discover the bioactive chemical components that are responsible for the claimed medicinal effects of the herbs. As a prominent local medicinal plant, Stachys pumila has been widely used against gastrointestinal disorders even though there is no scientific proof of its effectiveness. This study is the first to reveal the hepatoprotective activity of S. pumila against hepatotoxicity and to identify its phytochemicals. The results of the present study show that S. pumila extract protects the liver better than the reference drug silymarin against CCl4 induced hepatic injury. S. pumila could offer a novel alternative to the limited therapeutic options that exist for the treatment of liver diseases. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    An integrated assessment of water quality in an arsenic containing aquifer: Milestones from hydrogeology to public health

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    5th International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment Conference (IPWE 2012), MoroccoA multi-disciplinary research is being conducted in Simav Plain, Turkey where an arsenic containing aquifer is at the center of attention. The study is not only aimed to understand the sources and mechanisms of the presence of high arsenic levels in groundwater but also to determine the associated consequences with regards to human health. The high arsenic levels in most groundwater (N=33, avg. 162 ppb), surface water (N=9, avg. 76.6 ppb) and geothermal water (N=3, avg. 406 ppb) samples are strongly related to high occurrences of arsenic in rocks and soils of the plain, which range between 7.1 and 833.9 ppm with an average of 49 ppm. These values correspond to several orders of magnitude higher than international standards and world averages in water and soil, respectively. With this motivation, this research also focuses on human health in the study area associated with exposure to these high arsenic levels via numerous pathways. Consequently, more than 1000 individuals were personally surveyed by public health specialists to determine an inventory of diseases in the area. Furthermore, a verbal autopsy study was also conducted with relatives of the deceased, which were further verified with hospital records, to understand the underlying death cause. As a result, certain cancer rates were found to exceed national averages and the results statistically demonstrated a potential link with high arsenic levels mainly through oral exposure